Access to the Canadian Registry
of PRP-savvy Dermatologists
The PRP Survival Guide outlines in great detail how a PRP patient can find a dermatologist in the US and ways to identify those that are or could be PRP savvy.
There are at least four reasons to seek out a PRP-savvy dermatologist:
❏½ To find a local dermatologist who has prior experience treating PRP
❏½ To find a more inquisitive dermatologist who wants to become PRP-savvy
❏½ To find a dermatologist more supportive of your needs as a patient with PRP
❏½ To obtain a second opinion and ask the question: “Do I really have PRP?”
What advice can PRP Canada give Canadians to find the needle in a haystack – PRP-savvy dermatologist?
The American Academy of Dermatology’s Find-a-Derm program is more robust than the Canadian Dermatology Association. However, not all dermatologists from Canada are listed in the AAD’s database. Just compare the results for a basic search for “Ottawa”.
❏½ American Academy of Dermatology: 13
❏½ Canadian Dermatology Association: 29
The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has a great feature on their website. “Find-a-Derm” can help PRP patients and caregivers identify dermatologists who have the potential for PRP savviness. Patients/caregivers can filter the search to focus on dermatologists with a specialty in psoriasis and/or atopic dermatitis. In this case, the 13 dermatologists listed in Ottawa drops to just four: Dr. Fahim, Dr. Kirchoff. Dr. Glassman and Dr. Beecker.
It should be noted that there is no guarantee that the aforementioned dermatologists are PRP savvy.
Now what? You have the names and contact information for 29 dermatologists with unknown PRP savviness. The next step is universal – whether you are in Ottawa, Quebec or Surrey, British Columbia … or Zürich, London or Sydney. GO TO: PRP Survival Guide, How do I find a PRP-savvy dermatologist?
Canadian Registry of
PRP-savvy Dermatologists
With a prevalence rate of one in 400,000, pityriasis rubra pilaris is an ultra rare skin disorder. It has been estimated that only 1 out of 20 dermatologists will ever have one of us as a patient.
The Canadian Registry of PRP-savvy Dermatologists is currently under construction as an online resource for PRP patients and their caregivers a way to identify – with a degree of confidence – LOCAL dermatologists in Canada with experience treating PRP.
Nominate Your Dermatologist for our PRP-Savvy Registry