PRP Alliance

PRP Alliance

Creams and Ointmentws NOTES


Brenda Pauline
i used aquaphor religiously but I must say there is probably no cream I haven’t tried. I used heavy greasier stuff at first. Aquaphor, eucerin, gold bond medicated cream, cerave… really I used everything. Bathroom looked like a pharmacy. Now I use aquaphor on some of the drier spots and aveeno on my face. My scalp is annoying but not nearly as bad as what it was. I shed dandruff so badly I was horrified. That’s almost not an issue now. I have decreased hair washing to once every five days to keep from drying out my scalp any more than necessary. As for food I avoided and still do avoid yeast. I noticed drinking beer made my skin flush and feel itchier so I stay off it. If you asked my family they would tell you that I avoided almost every food at some point but there were some I avoided more than others…..nightshade vegetables because they are known to be inflammatory, dairy because I thought they made my joints more sore, and so and so on. Gradually I’ve been reintroducing most foods as I have improved but keep dairy to minimum and no beer!. My new kick to see if it helps is to try intermittent fasting. I’ve read that it decreases inflammation in the body generally so I’m going to monitor whether it helps my scalp or remaining dry patches. SOURCE