PRP Alliance

PRP Alliance

In search of PRP Patients

06.01.06  In search of PRP Patients
There are an estimated 800 Americans with PRP. Unfortunately, we have only been able to identify 188 (23.5%) who are currently “active”. This is simply unacceptable.
While the number of patients served by dermatology patient organizations for psoriasis and eczema is measured in the millions, we measure the PRP patient population in the hundreds.
Teaching Hospitals
The journey will begin with the 500-plus dermatology departments in teaching hospitals and Veteran Administration Medical Centers in the U.S.. We will confirm whether or not they have one or more patient with “active” PRP. As applicable, we will reach out by email, fax and snail mail to key contacts:
✴Department chair
✴Head of the faculty
✴Head of the residence program
✴Chief resident
✴Dermatology clinic director
Initially, we are looking for a “Yes” or “No” answer. If the answer is Yes, then the followup question is “How many are active?”
Private Clinics
According to Harris Williams & Company research, there are an estimated 7,800 dermatology practices in the U.S. of which 48 percent have three or more. The initial goal will be to research the most cost-efficient method of identifying these locations. The battle cry:
“Someone’s gotta have a list.”
American Academy of Dermatology
The AAD has a ca[tiveds audience of healthcare professionals and a myriad of communication channels. While the PRP Alliance is only one dermatology patient organization, we have access to the AAD president. Remember the “Open Door” policy? Who knows what we can accomplish if we just try.
State, Regional and Local AAD affiliated Societies
The AAD could open doors with the 90-plus dermatologist societies under it’s organizational umbrella. We want to ask their members if they have one or more “active” PRP patients.
Other Dermatology-related Societies & Associations
No stone left unturned. The following will be targeted:
✴Society for Pediatric Dermatology  (link)
✴Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants Dermatology Nurses Association (link)
✴American Society of Dermatopathology (link)
✴Society for Investigative Dermatology (link)
✴Woman’s Dermatologic Association (link)