PRP Alliance

PRP Alliance

PRP & Infections


From the Editor
The PRP Survival Guide is a repository of experiences and insights shared by PRP patients and their caregivers. Collectively, the PRP community possesses a wealth of practical knowledge about pityriasis rubra pilaris. We need to harvest that knowledge for those in need of enlightenment
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The following conversation about COLDS was started on April 28, 2017. PRP Facebook Members: To read the unedited version, please go CLICK HERE.

Joan P — Portland, Oregon

Coming down with a cold. Headache, sore throat, runny nose,etc. Just got over one. Are PRPers more apt to get colds? I am on acitretin. Don’t think allergies would cause sore throat, feverish feeling. Colds take five days with meds and a week without. Lots of water, vitamin C and I am feeling better,

Tierney R — Virginia Beach, VA

Yes. Our immune system is depressed and we catch more bugs than before PRP. We have to be careful where we go and who we’re around.

Aziz T — Laurens, South Carolina

Actually since my PRP I have had fewer colds, no flu etc. I did change my behavior, I wear a mask when I fly, if someone is sick around me I leave, I get my flu shot, avoid unclean food, etc. I do that to keep from relapsing now that I am mostly over the acute phase.

Traci W — Seymour, Indiana

I thankfully have not had cold or flu this year. I have noticed recently though that my throat is itchy, scratchy, and tickly due to my allergies. I have been using more Zyrtec lately for it.

Sean L — The Woodlands, Texas

I didn’t get anything for over a year when I was in the acute phase. Seemed as if my immune system had super powers.

Brenda M — Kent, England

It might depend if you are on immune suppresant drugs.

Jonathan B — Tucson, Ariszona

I have atypical adult onset. Starting noticing symptoms about 4 years ago. Since a child I only get sick sick maybe once a year. PRP didn’t change that. I’m also not on any meds

Lorna R — Eugene, Oregon

I don’t know where you live, but it is that time of year, when everything is blooming. Evergreens, flowering trees and plants, grass. So, you could have seasonal allergy syndrome..

Correen P — Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am on mtx and stelara etc I never get sick others around me do and everyone soooo worried I will and I have been blessed and not picked up anything viral , stomach flu yes a few times

The follow conversation about COLDS was started on January 12, 2017. For an unedited version of the original post and comments, members of the PRP Facebook Support Group please CLICK HERE

‎Cami B — Pine City, MN

What do you do when you catch a cold?? Same stuff? DayQuil? NyQuil? Cold medicine? Hope I kick it quick — my first sign of illness while on Enbrel — baaaah!!!!

Linda B — Oswestry, Shropshire, England, UK

I am meds free in terms of treatment for PRP, but have been hit by the dreaded lurgy, chesty cough, sore throat etc affecting much of the UK at the moment! I took the usual over the counter cold/flu remedies such as soluble paracetamol, but was eventually prescribed antibiotics by my GP after being diagnosed with a chest and ear infections. Rest as much as possible and keep up your fluid intake.

Traci W — Seymour, IN

It is so hard to stay away from all of the germs. I have two grandsons in kindergarten, my daughter goes to dialysis and my husband works in a factory. The germs are just all around me. I had a cold right after starting Humira and I have had the flu twice. I took mess as normal. I have now started taking 1500mg of vitamin C daily.

Correen P — Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tell your doctor that you have a cold. When I took Remicade in 1999 for Crohns Disease, I had to stop until my cold cleared.

Jonathan B — Tucson, Arizona

I have atypical adult onset. Starting noticing symptoms about 4 years ago. Since a child I only get sick sick maybe once a year. PRP didn’t change that. I’m also not on any meds

Lorna R — Eugene, Oregon

I don’t know where you live, but it is that time of year, when everything is blooming. Evergreens, flowering trees and plants, grass. So, you could have seasonal allergy syndrome.

Joan P — Portland, Oregon

Don’t think allergies would cause sore throat, feverish feeling. Colds take five days with meds and a week without. Lots of water, vitamin C and I am feeling better.

Correen P — Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am on mtx and stelara etc I never get sick others around me do and everyone soooo worried I will and I have been blessed and not picked up anything viral , stomach flu yes a few times