From the Editor
Have you ever heard a healthcare professional say something about PRP that is simply incorrect. Sometimes what they say goes well beyond stupid.
While commenting to a fellow PRP Facebooker’s post on November 12, 2020, Jean N, Danvers, Massachusetts (Onset: May 2005 at the age of 51) recounted how her second dermatologist who told her: “PRP shouldn’t be causing any problems in your life.”

While dermatologists have read about PRP in textbooks and perhaps seen a PRP patient during Grand Rounds – they are limited in what they know about us. There are approximately 9,600 in the U.S. and an estimated 827 active PRP patients. That means only one in 12 dermatologists in the U.S. will be in a position to really LEARN about us.
We must become Agents of Enlightenment!
My Quote of the Day goes back eight years (November 8, 2012) when my first dermatologist said: “Let’s increase your prednisone to 60mg.” Around 3:00 AM the following morning a 20-foot rubber duck appeared in my bedroom. A few hours later I was admitted to the hospital for a six-day stay during which my new dermatologist confirmed that I did not have seborrheic dermatitis. Three weeks later I was mercifully diagnosed with PRP – a full four months after onset. When it comes to enlightenment, the PRP global community studies PRP every hour of every day as we journey from onset in search of resolution. We are the subject mater experts. We know PRP because we travel with the Red Bastard every day. We hear the stories of fellow travelers. We share what works for us with the hope it works for someone else. Do you have any Quotable Quotes from healthcare “professionals” in particular that stick in your mind? What about the comments from rude people? As a matter of policy, we NEVER document the name of any healthcare professional who demonstrates terminal befuddlement.
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When visiting my dermatologist -who I can’t say enough good things about- he was always very thorough with his explanations as to why he was suggesting one treatment/medication or another. When I questioned him on one thing or another he would give further explanations. But, what he said as I was contemplating his comments is my offered quote:
“You know Murray, you have a say in this too!”
He was right of course. We all have the ability to follow or not follow our dermatologist’s advice, but who was I to disagree with somebody who has studied and researched skin diseases for decades? The fact that he was open to my feelings and thoughts made me trust his advice even more and I never once did not follow his advice.
Editor — GREAT QUOTE, Murray!
A dermatologist I went to for a second opinion regarding melanoma said:
“You don’t have PRP. I don’t believe it even exists”.
Editor — Scary!