Welcome to the ReadyTalk Meet & Greet Scheduler. The PRP Alliance has arranged for a 14-day Free Trial of ReadyTalk, a video conferencing platform similar to GoToMeeting but more user friendly. The plan is to facilitate online gatherings where PRP patients and caregivers can meet, greet and chat. Based on the response, we ill schedule additional PRP ReadyTalks in December. The objective is to evaluate ReadyTalk as an ongoing communication tool for the PRP Community during 2018. If you would like to host a ReadyTalk Meet & Greet, simply follow the three steps below. Each two-hour ReadyTalk Meet & Greet will be supported by a fellow PRP patient or caregiver.
Step 1: Select a day
Step 2: Select a time for YOUR ReadyTalk Meet & Greet. Use the Time Zone Converter to confirm YOUR TIME versus DALLAS, TX time. All times listed below are Central Time (Dallas, TX)
Step 3: Send an email to [email protected] and include:
❏½ Your name, e.g., Bill McCue
❏½ Title, e.g., Welcome to PRP ReadyTalk
❏½ Date: December 2, 2017
❏½ Time: Saturday: 8 AM to 10 AM
PRP Ready Talk Schedule
✔︎ 8 AM – 10 AM: Bill McCue – Welcome to PRP ReadyTalk
✔︎ 4 PM -6 PM: Bill McCue – Welcome to PRP ReadyTalk