PRP Alliance

PRP Alliance

Juvenile Onset — Vitamin D Deficiencies

From the Editor
On June 11, 2017, a PRP parent posted the following message. It has been re-posted in the PRP Survival Guide in hope that other comments will be added over time.
April T — Terryville, CT
My son, Blake, who is 7 years old, has had PRP since he was 6 months old. We recently found out he has the CARD14 gene mutation. [ The genetic testing was performed at Yale Pediatric Dermatology in New Haven CT. He is a part of a study conducted by Dr. Richard Antaya. Blake is their first documented case of the type of CARD14 mutation.] We saw a naturopathic doctor because my son has focus issues. We did multiple tests to see if he has any deficiencies. His vitamin D blood work was low, but the doctor thought because it was summer we should wait till fall to start him on supplements. We also did genetic testing which indicated that his vitamin D levels were severely low. The lowest the doctor had ever seen. We started my son on 5,000 mg of vitamin D daily. The doctor is interested to see if this will help his skin. I will keep everyone posted but I thought I would let you all know that just a simple blood test didn’t show how severe his deficiency is.

As a PRP parent… What has been your experience regarding vitamin D deficiency?

Juvenile Onset — Vitamin D Deficiencies

2 thoughts on “Juvenile Onset — Vitamin D Deficiencies”

  1. Hola, a mi hija ya le hicieron los examenes para confirmar si hay mutación del GEN CARD14, aproximadamente en 2 meses tendremos los resultados. Quisiera saber si la vitamina D tuvo un efecto positivo en Blake.

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